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Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT): An introduction to essential components

blue people silhouettes with one orange Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is an intensive outpatient therapy developed by Marsha Linehan to treat chronically suicidal clients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Adaptations of DBT have also been successful in treating clients with addictions, eating disorders and other complex problems.

Working with clients who experience these difficulties is extremely challenging for mental health and direct service professionals. DBT has proven to be effective in reducing suicidal, self-harm and other impulsive behaviours. It also helpful in increasing client engagement in therapy. DBT blends cognitive behavioural therapy with acceptance-based strategies stemming from Zen philosophy. A primary therapeutic task is to balance acceptance of the client with a focus on change.

This introductory training is for clinicians who would like to utilize DBT in either group or individual settings with clients. Participants will learn the theoretical underpinnings of DBT. Examine the aspects of the individual component of DBT. They will also gain skills from each of the four modules taught in DBT skills groups. Such as mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.

Learning objectives:

  • Conceptualize borderline personality disorder using the biosocial theory
  • Recognize the components of standard DBT
  • Balance validation and change strategies
  • Conduct a behavioural analysis and solution analysis of problematic behaviours
  • Be able to teach select DBT skills to clients

Upon completion of this program, take your DBT training to the next level by registering for DBT advanced training: Formulating effective treatment plans for complex clients!