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If this is an emergency, dial 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room. Click here for directions to the SickKids Emergency Department if this is the closest location for you.


If you need urgent help but don’t need to go to a hospital emergency room, click here for Crisis Centres.

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Educational Placements

Social Work

Educational Placements


Am I eligible? 

We provide placements for Master of Social Work (MSW) students.

What would I do? 

Master of Social Work (MSW) students seeking to complete the requirements for their clinical placement will be integrated into an appropriate clinical department, working alongside students from other disciplines and receiving supervision from an interprofessional team of staff. MSW students will build their clinical skills in assessment and treatment practices. 
Based on the student’s interest and match with the supervisor, students will be part of a live assessment treatment team. They will learn how to complete psychosocial assessments and family-based treatments and carry a small caseload of clients. Students will be expected to participate in the family therapy seminar and may participate in others as well.

How do I apply?

Practicum placements are arranged through your university’s program coordinator. Please contact them directly if you are interested in this placement.