The Learning Through Play (LTP) materials developed at our Centre can be used by parents and early childhood educators or professionals and provide information about how to support healthy child development for children from birth to 6 years of age. The materials are culturally inclusive, mostly picture-based, and have been translated into 11 languages.
Learning Through Play calendars
For many years, parents have enjoyed using the Learning Through Play calendars, From Birth to Three Years and From Three to Six Years. The pictures in the calendars depict activities that parents can do with their children through the different stages of their development. They promote physical growth, relationship building and understanding of the world, communication and sense of self.
Available in the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Hindi, Portuguese, Punjabi, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, Urdu, Vietnamese
How to request a PDF copy: Please email us at and indicate which calendar you would like (Birth to Three, Three to Six) in which languages.