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Children’s grief and bereavement certificate program

Young child with head in knees sitting against a wall grief and bereavement

“I would recommend (this program) to all colleagues and friends!” 

– Emily Carreiro, BSW, MSW, RSW Social Worker – Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit

Grief is a confusing and isolating experience for any person, old or young. Children’s grief, however, differs considerably from adult grief, resulting in the needs of grieving children often being overlooked or misunderstood. This can have a profound impact on the social and emotional development of a child. Caregivers, including the most skilled professionals, often feel helpless when supporting children through the death of someone close to them.

The Children’s grief and bereavement certificate program explores the roots of our cultural discomfort with the topic of children and death and exposes common myths and misconceptions. This certificate program equips you with skills to provide support to children, youth and families grieving the dying or death of someone they care about. Adults cannot change the reality of a death occurring in a child’s life, but with the right tools they can play a powerful role in shaping the story of the child’s grief experience and therefore help the child thrive in life.

This program consists of five comprehensive modules designed to enhance understanding and support for grieving children and families. Each module explores a crucial aspect of a child/families grief and bereavement.

Individual modules include:

  • October 23, 2024: Children at the bedside – Preparing children for the death of someone close to them.
  • October 30, 2024: When death darkens the door – Supporting bereaved children and youth.
  • November 6, 2024: Using mindfulness and compassion to support grieving children and families.
  • November 20, 2024: When grief gets more complicated – Supporting harder-to-serve populations.
  • November 27, 2024: Dancing in the darkness – Creative approaches to working with grieving children and youth.

“The Children’s Grief and Bereavement Certificate gave me insight into the foundational needs children have for information, connection and care as well as practical tools and activities I could use right away in my practice as a death doula. I was so inspired by the facilitators that I’ve decided to pursue a master’s degree in counselling with a focus on creative interventions for grieving children. Thank you Andrea and team for igniting this flame!” 

– Chelsea Peddle, End-of-Life Consultant and Death Doula