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May 04, 2023

GH-CCMH to implement an electronic health record

The Garry Hurvitz Centre for Community Mental Health at SickKids (GH-CCMH) is pleased to announce that it has partnered with VitalHub Corp. to implement an electronic health record (EHR) over the next year.  

The EHR will securely store and organize client information while maintaining client privacy. It will provide a comprehensive digital health record for every service recipient, which will enhance standardization of record-keeping and information sharing within GH-CCMH and with other care providers across the child and youth mental health care sector in Toronto. It will support quality of care by driving active collaboration among the various staff working with each client and with the circle of care around them. 

“With an EHR, families won’t need to answer the same questions and provide the same information over and over,” says Neill Carson, Executive Director, GH-CCMH. “The new system will provide better data to describe the populations we serve and will support improved service planning. It will support smoother information sharing and better continuity of care between GH-CCMH and service partners in education, primary care, acute care and across the child and youth mental health system.” 

The EHR will be implemented in stages and is expected to be completed in the spring of 2024. In the meantime, there will be no disruptions to client care or services provided to the community. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with your clinician or email 

New client? Phone us if you need services – we are here to help. Call our Mental Health Access Program at 416-924-1164 ext. 8708; we will return your call the same day or the next business day.

The Garry Hurvitz Centre for Community Mental Health at SickKids is part of the SickKids mental health continuum of services including hospital services and the TeleLink Mental Health Program which offers both urban and rural telepsychiatry virtual services. 

To arrange a referral to hospital outpatient services, call the Mental Health Access Program at 416-813-7005.

For inquiries concerning services in the TeleLink Mental Health Program, call 1-877-507-7301.

For information regarding all Toronto child mental health services, visit Help Ahead.
