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If this is an emergency, dial 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room. Click here for directions to the SickKids Emergency Department if this is the closest location for you.


If you need urgent help but don’t need to go to a hospital emergency room, click here for Crisis Centres.

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Our website uses a third-party electronic translation service hosted by Google Translate. We do not guarantee the accuracy of any translated information, but we offer this service to make information on our website more accessible to the communities we serve.

Please note that our Centre functions in English. Unless otherwise indicated, our programs, services and SickKids CCMH Learning Institute courses are offered in English.

Masking optional at GH-CCMH sites starting April 24, 2023

(April 21, 2023)

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we have adjusted safety practices based on guidance from local public health authorities. At this time, we are making changes to masking guidelines at GH-CCMH.

Effective Monday, April 24, 2023, masking becomes optional for clients, visitors, staff and students at both GH-CCMH sites. Staff and students working off-site will also have the option to mask or not unless masking is required by the location where they are working.

GH-CCMH will remain a mask-friendly environment. Everyone is more than welcome to continue to mask if they choose to do so. Anyone entering our sites wearing their own mask may continue to wear it, rather than switching to masks that we provide. However, for those who wish to mask upon arrival, we will continue to provide masks at reception.

We ask that everyone practise kindness and be respectful to those who choose to continue to mask or ask for extra space (physical distancing) when they are unmasked.

We would like to remind our clients, families and other visitors that infection prevention and control practices remain in place at this time to protect against the spread of illness. We ask that you:

  • Inform our staff if you are sick so you can reschedule or make your session virtual
  • Self-screen at the entrances to our buildings
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 15 seconds and use alcohol-based hand rub when entering our sites. You can find more information in these Toronto Public Health posters which are up in our washrooms and treatment spaces upon entry.
  • Physically distance as much as possible

Enhanced cleaning and improved ventilation continue at our sites.

Thank you for your continued support!

Our safety guidelines

Your safety is key

Our measures include:

Screening: You will be screened before you enter the building; instructions are posted at the site entrance.

Hand hygiene: Cleaning hands with hand sanitizer is required upon entry and within meeting rooms.

Masks: You are welcome to use a mask depending on your comfort level. You may wear your own or pick up a mask at reception.

Physical distancing: If you have the option, please keep physically distant from others who are not from your household.

Enhanced cleaning: High-touch surfaces such as railings, doorknobs, and elevator buttons are cleaned more frequently; designated rooms for clinical meetings are cleaned and sanitized between appointments.

Improved ventilation: We have increased our HVAC filter safety rating, the filter replacement frequency, and the fresh air intake. Additional portable HEPA filters are available and in use in key areas onsite.