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August 03, 2023

Our refreshed client, family, and caregiver rights and responsibilities

The Garry Hurvitz Centre for Community Mental Health at SickKids (GH-CCMH) is thrilled to announce the release of our refreshed client, family, and caregiver rights and responsibilities policy.   

At GH-CCMH, we recently completed a cross-agency exercise involving clients and staff to better understand the meaning of our six strategic values. Our peer mentors, Antonietta Gutierrez and Elim Wu, gave critical leadership to this work setting the stage for important changes we have made to ensure that our spaces and activities are safe and welcoming for both clients and staff. In particular, Gutierrez and Wu engaged clients in developing our safer spaces statement and updating our rights and responsibilities for clients, family members, and caregivers.    

“Refreshing the rights and responsibilities reflects our commitment to people-centred care,” says Gutierrez.  

“It demonstrates both how we want to show up for our clients and how we want them to collaborate with us,” Wu continues.    

At GH-CCMH, we aim to ensure everyone understands their rights and responsibilities when engaging with us. We want to ensure everyone feels respected and their voices are heard. We strive to build trust and create meaningful relationships with our clients. 
