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July 16, 2021

Researchers at York University and SickKids CCMH receive grant for research on model of brief assessment and intervention

The Lausanne Family Play (LFP) suite of tools are well established, evidence-based assessment protocols that can be used with very young families. Over the past two years, the LFP-Brief team at SickKids CCMH has developed a model of brief assessment and intervention, including remote services, in order to address some of the backlog of families waiting for mental health services in the city. Recently the team partnered with Dr. Heather Prime, a professor in the Clinical Developmental division of the Psychology Department at York University. Dr. Prime was a practicum student at the Jarvis site nearly ten years ago, and reached out to collaborate with the team as a community partner. The collaboration has now received a prestigious grant for their proposed research on the model.
