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If this is an emergency, dial 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room. Click here for directions to the SickKids Emergency Department if this is the closest location for you.


If you need urgent help but don’t need to go to a hospital emergency room, click here for Crisis Centres.

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Our website uses a third-party electronic translation service hosted by Google Translate. We do not guarantee the accuracy of any translated information, but we offer this service to make information on our website more accessible to the communities we serve.

Please note that our Centre functions in English. Unless otherwise indicated, our programs, services and SickKids CCMH Learning Institute courses are offered in English.

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News & Events

  • July 06 2020

    SickKids CCMH response to anti-Black racism

    SickKids CCMH will undertake a revitalized response with the formation of a health equity and anti-racism initiative that will be led by a dedicated working group informed by staff, clients and leadership. Through this consultative process, we will develop an action plan that re-defines our goals and commitments focused on fighting racism and anti-Black racism. [...] Read More

  • July 06 2020

    SickKids CCMH opens for in-person services July 6, supplementing virtual care

    SickKids CCMH is entering the first stage of our return to in-person, onsite services. [...] Read More

  • June 22 2020

    SickKids CCMH planning on resuming in-person service in stages; virtual care continues

    SickKids CCMH has pivoted to delivering our services virtually due to COVID-19. Right now, we are preparing our sites for a gradual, safe return to in-person services. An announcement will be made in early July; please check back to this site for updates. [...] Read More

  • May 19 2020

    SickKids CCMH will re-open in stages

    On May 14, Premier Ford announced that certain workplaces and businesses have permission to open or expand their services on May 19. [...] Read More

  • May 07 2020

    Care during COVID-19: SickKids CCMH providing services through phone and video conference

    Due to COVID-19, SickKids CCMH is providing services by phone and videoconference. In keeping with public health advice, resumption of in-person services at our Jarvis and Sheppard sites will align with safety directives from Toronto Public Health. [...] Read More

  • May 04 2020

    Mental health services go virtual at SickKids and SickKids CCMH during COVID-19 pandemic

    The mental health teams at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health (CCMH) have had a rapid advance into virtual care in response to COVID-19. [...] Read More